Spring cleaning is the perfect time to begin to rid yourself of all the leaves and debris left behind by the winter. The perfect way to do this is by first giving Total Lawn Care a call! We help rejuvenate your lawn so that is goes from brown and gloomy to revitalized and refreshingly green and vibrant in time for the spring and the oncoming summer months to come. We can also clean the gutters, freshen up the mulch, and prune away winter-killed and excessive branches. Plant care is important us in addition to your lawn. Give us a call for the best service towards the care and cleanliness of your lawn today.
For more information, give us a call at 248-588-1694 or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot or to get a free estimate!
With so many apple orchards, cider mills, haunted houses, and other Fall attractions in Michigan, the last thing you want to spend your free time doing is cleaning up leaves and preparing your beds for Winter!
Let Total Lawn Care, Inc handle that Fall Clean for you. Our service includes:
• Removal of any remaining annual flowers. (We cut back perennials and landscape grasses if needed).
• Clearing and removal of all debris and leaves from landscape beds and turf areas.
• A trim of the grass areas and edging the cement.
• Does NOT include shrub trimming. (However, we can add this service for an additional cost.)
• Debris removal is per cubic yard.(Equivalent of 6- 1/2 Brown Paper Bags)
Once the snow starts, it’s too late! So get your service confirmed today!
Please call for more information at 248-588-1694 or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate
Spring is here! The snow is gone, but now we can see all of the leaves an debris that was under that snow for all of these months. Let Total Lawn Care clear away that debris and get your turf and beds cleaned up with our Spring Clean service. Our professionally uniformed technicians will come out to your home and take away all of that debris and leaves, clear away the dead flowers and decorative grasses and give your lawn that clean look you want!
Please call for more information at 248-588-1694 or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!
The official first day of Spring is almost here! Soon, the early Spring bulbs will be revealing their heads telling us Spring has sprung! The melting snow has uncovered all the debris that has accumulated on our lawns and in our landscape beds. The warmer weather calls for outdoor activities like baseball, bike riding, BBQ’s and Spring Cleaning.
Let Total lawn Care take over some of your chores by doing a Spring Clean of your landscape so you can get on with the fun stuff. With a basic Spring Clean we will remove any annuals and perennials from last fall, clear out all debris from your lawn and landscape beds, mow the grass and trim the edges. All the debris is brought back to our facility and recycled into compost.
If you really want to make your landscape sparkle, we can trim your shrubs, prune out winter damage, install mulch and prepare your beds for Summer annuals. If you forgot to clean your gutters last Fall, we can do that too. One company to handle multiple jobs makes it very easy to make your landscape the star of the neighborhood.
Please call for more information at 248-588-1694 or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!
If you are considering an enhancement or renovation project this year, please help us to give your project preference by calling early to plan with one of our staff professionals.
Updates as we prepare for our 21st season!
Lower fuel prices mean that there will be NO price increases to the services contracts and we will not apply fuel surcharges unless gas rises above $3.20/gal. We continue to explore viable, alternative fuel sources and new technologies to help keep prices down and lower fuel emissions.
Phase 2 of the landscape installation project at Mahle’s World Headquarters is complete and was awarded The Farmington Hills Beautification Award for the ‘creation of a beautiful place to work and live’.
We took in over 750 tons of compostable material and processed it into rich, fertile and repurposed compost, which was thereby diverted from our landfills.
We remain steadfastly committed to the promotion of The Healthy Lawn Care Program. See enclosed program details.
There are four MGIA/Professional Land Care Landscape Certified Technicians, one International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist and one Michigan Nursery and Landscape Certified Green Industry Professional on staff this season and we continue to promote furthering education, training and development for all of our team members.
Looking forward to seeing you this spring!!
Please call for more information at 248-588-1694 or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!
Peter, Michael, Bill, Fred, Cindy, Brian and staff
It’s March Madness already, aren’t you glad you have time to sit back and watch the final four instead of raking the leaves and picking up sticks? That’s why you hired Total Lawn Care from Troy, so you can spend your weekend at Buffalo Wild Wings instead of in the cold.
Erin Go Bragh! Whoops, what do you mean it’s already the end of March? I haven’t had time to get any of my landscaping services ready for the season! Don’t Worry Total Lawn Care went into to business to handle just such a crisis, while you look forward to Cinco De Mayo, TLC will be out making sure your property is in tip top shape.
Our basic spring cleanup includes the removal of leaves and debris from grass areas and landscape beds, removal of all perennials from the previous fall, lawn cutting, bed edging and grass trimming.
For an even grander revitalization, we can also weed the beds after removing the leaves, trim the shrubs, and add mulch to give the beds a great manicured look.
We can leave the debris for city pickup if you prefer, or take it with us. All the plant material we remove from properties finds a fresh start on life. Leaves are added to a compost process at our shop. Sticks and branches are shredded and then join the leaves. All other plant debris is added to the appropriate composting stage to ensure we recycle every last bit.
We always make sure to recycle all the leaves and debris we remove.
If your lawn is already looking less than stellar, Total Lawn Care can come out and power rake dead thatch to invigorate the grass, aerate to allow important nutrients to get where they need to go, and over seed in areas that just seem to never fill themselves in.
Of course springtime also means turning on the irrigation systems and making sure those heavy plows didn’t break off any heads. It also means the first application of fertilizer in the process of making your grass look like Comerica Park’s.
Don’t be a stranger, give us a call at 248-588-1694, email us at info@totallawncareinc.com, or Click Here to use our Online Request to get more information.
Service Locations: Troy MI, Birmingham MI, Bloomfield MI, Bloomfield Hills MI, Sterling Heights MI, Madison Heights MI, Rochester MI, Rochester Hills MI, Royal Oak MI, Ferndale MI, Huntington Woods MI, Clawson MI, and any other cities within the Oakland County.
Total Lawn Care Inc. provides a wide variety of lawn care and landscaping needs such as lawn mowing, grounds maintenance, f, and many other services within Cities in Oakland County such as Troy and Bloomfield.