Tag Archives: perennials

Special Services 2015

SOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERApring start for gardening is here. Total Lawn Care, Inc. offers many special services to help with all your gardening and landscape needs. Weeding and cultivating can be scheduled weekly, biweekly or on monthly occurrences to meet your site landscape needs. We use cultural and chemical controls were needed for the best results. Annual garden color rotations start in spring after the frost date May 15th or later if we have a cool May. Frost has been an issue in the past. Annuals are installed through June. Planter pots can be planted throughout the season. Perennials are also planted throughout the season. Fall color rotations are installed late September through October to enhance the fall landscape. Special services are not limited to garden areas only. We offer debris removal, clean ups, core aeration, over seeding, sod installation, bed soil amendments, lighting, and bed top dressing. We use double shredded hardwood bark mulch, colored bark mulch, pine straw mulch, compost, plant mix and stone products to top dress bed areas. Fertilization including Organic Fertilizers are applied to bed areas to help maintain plant color, vigor and density. Pest controls after proper pest identification can be applied. It is time to start planning services for the 2015 Garden season.


Please call for more information at 248-588-1694 or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!

When to Plant Perennials and Annuals!

Annual and Perennial Garden Flowers in Troy, Birmingham, Royal Oak, Bloomfield, and Rochester MIThinking about planting Annual and Perennial flowers this year? Middle to late Spring is the most opportune time to plant perennials and annuals in your garden. By planting them in mid to late Spring, you ensure that any late night frosts do not effect root growth, or plant health. You also ensure that the heat waves of summer do not effect the plant early in it’s growing cycle. Summer planting can also be very successful if proper watering is observed during the planting process.

Watering is crucial to newly planted annuals and perennials. Water the plants immediately, right after planting. Water a minimum of once a week for the first two weeks to keep plant roots moist and improve root vigor.

Garden PLants - Royal Oak, Birmingham, Troy, Bloomfield, Rochester Hills MIPerennial and Annual maintenance is fairly easy. Be sure to remove dead flowers as soon as possible to encourage new growth during spring and summer, prune off any dead tops in late winter, and apply insecticide as needed to control any pests as soon as noticed to help avoid spreading them to other plants.

If you would like to have Perennials or Annuals installed in your garden, or would like to meet with one of our landscaping professionals to plan a landscaping design for your own yard, Call us at 248-588-1694 info@totallawncareinc.com, or Click Here to use our Online Request to schedule an appointment for a free!

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Annual Flowers and Perennials

      It is almost that time of year to start adding colorful annuals and perennials to your home. If you are interested in adding annual or perennials to your existing landscape and outdoor space, please call or email us to request an appointment with our specialist. We can help you choose the right annual or perennial, deliver them to you and install them for you. Please call today 248-588-1694 or email us at info@totallawncareinc.com.

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